
This page provides you with an overview of all news items, blogs and publications related to Mozambique.

For more information on the research projects and African Policy Dialogues performed in this country context, please click the ‘keep reading’ button below.

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INCLUDE interacts closely with research groups and partner organizations working on research and dialogue projects within programmes that aim to generate new knowledge and insights on inclusive development in Africa. Below, you can find the projects performed in the context of Mozambique.

Ongoing projects:


Finalized projects:

Platform members
  • Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Mozambique; Observatory for Rural Matters (OMR); Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (IESE); Environmental Association of Cabo Delgado (AMA-CD); Agencia de Desenvolvimento Economico Local de Cabo Delgado (ADEL-CD); Associação Nacional de Extensão Rural (AENA); KULIMA, Mozambique; Associação de Apoio e Assistência Jurídica as Comunidades (AAAJC); AMC; Associação Académica de Nutrição e Segurança Alimentar; National and Provincial Civil Society Platform on Natural Resources and Extractive Industry; NGOs and institutes working in the field; National Women’s Forum; National Youth Network; Respective government agencies at the national, provincial and district levels; Mozambique Social protection network; CBOs (From cities of Beira, Maputo and Pemba); Fórum de Monitoria do Orçamento (FMO – Budget monitoring Forum)