This report synthesizes existing and new knowledge on inclusive development in Africa, drawing on the findings of the RIDSSA research projects on Social ProtectionProductive Employment, Strategic Actors, insights from INCLUDE’s African Policy Dialogues, and a review of the state-of-the-art literature on inclusive development.

“It provides synthesis of why a focus on inequality matters. […] It explains clearly why addressing inequality matters for development on the long run. […] inequality is negatively related to long term economic growth, inequality poses challenges to national and global stability, inequality in income fosters inequality in other areas (e.g. health) which sustains or even increases the existing inequality. It provides a good definition of inclusive development: “Inclusive development is achieved when improvements are realized in the income and non-income dimensions of development and inequalities in these dimensions fall.” Endorsement by dr. Fedes van Rijn (Wageningen University and Research)

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