The African Policy Dialogues on social protection in Kenya published a Policy Brief on strengthening the country’s social protection agenda. This Policy Brief shows that the political leadership in Kenya has demonstrated commitment to supporting investments in social protection programming, describes milestones and limitations in the implementation of social protection programmes, and recommendations to enhance the impact of social protection programmes in Kenya. Highlights of the Policy Brief are shown below.
Key milestones
- Formulation of a National Social Protection Policy.
- The establishment of a single registry.
- Strengthened Management Information and Payment systems.
- Expansion of cash transfers to reach approximately 813,381 households (orphans and vulnerable children, older persons, persons with severe disability; and chronically poor people.
Policy recommendations
- Development of a comprehensive legal framework on social protection to harmonise and integrate the three pillars of social protection and links key stakeholders in the social protection sector.
- Enhancement of political will especially in maintaining fiscal space to sustain the programmes.
- Exploration of alternative strategies by the national government to obtain additional revenue for social protection programmes.