The partners in the research project Investigating structural barriers to Historically Marginalized People’s (Batwa) inclusion in development in Rwanda, held their project kick‐off meeting on 9 and 10 February 2015. The meeting was followed by training for interviewers on 11 and 12 February 2015. The partners, further, visited a Batwa community on 13 February in Nyaruguru District of the Southern Province, some 162 Km from Rwanda’s capital city Kigali; the aim of this visit was to witness the living conditions of members of a Batwa community and to speak with members of the community. The five days proved to be rich in insights and very fruitful in laying the ground for the implementation of the project.


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  • Report of the Kick Off Meeting: Investigating structural barriers to Historically Marginalized People’s (Batwa) inclusion in development in Rwanda Download Two-pager
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