This Synthesis paper summarises the findings of our research project on the digitalisation of basic services in five countries – Benin, Ghana, Mauritius, Rwanda, and Uganda.

The paper compares the five countries in their enabling environments for digital transformation, such as the legal and regulatory environment, infrastructure and affordability, and digital skills, in order to identify key areas for investment and development cooperation’

A major goal of this Synthesis Paper is to identify links between the enabling conditions, performance in e-governance, and the inclusiveness of digital basic service interventions. By doing this, it provides knowledge and guidance that can be adapted by other countries that seek to maximise the potential and minimise the risks of digitalising basic services. The Synthesis Paper also offers lessons and best practices for replicating and scaling digital services and making them more inclusive, while highlighting critical gaps for knowledge and practice.

You can download it from the link on the right.

  • Digital Divides or Dividends? Synthesis Report on Digitalisation of Basic Services in Benin, Ghana, Mauritius, Rwanda, and Uganda download
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