Photo: CC by 2.0/iHub

INCLUDE & ThinkYoung are organising a virtual event on the barriers faced by young people in accessing digital skills education and development.

In an interactive conversation between youth, EU representatives and Kenyan policymakers and digital programme directors , the webinar will explore:

1. The experiences of African youth to overcome the digital divide;

2. Key recommendations to realise the potential of digitalisation for social inclusion and gender equality;

3. Lessons learnt from Kenyan Ajira Digital and Youth Employment Programme to create equitable access to digitally-enabled jobs;

4. Reflections from Christina KOKKINAKIS, Deputy Managing Director for GLOBAL agenda, Director for Values and Multilateral Relations, European External Action Service (EEAS).

You can join the webinar using the link below.

Date & Time:
Wednesday, 5 April 2023

12.00 – 13.00 CET / 13.00 – 14.00 pm EAT




Digital transformation and digital jobs have the potential to reverse the trend of ‘jobless growth’ in Africa, altering the structure of African economies by investing in digitally-enabled decent jobs. However, it is still unclear what the main challenges and opportunities are in this transformation and which skills are needed to capitalise on it.

To find an answer to these questions, INCLUDE commissioned ThinkYoung, an international youth think tank, to critically engage with the key interrelated drivers and barriers to digital skills development and employment for young people in Africa. The conclusions are now published in the new evidence synthesis paper: Digital Skills for Youth Employment in Africa, authored by Charles Howard (Head of research at ThinkYoung), which sheds light on the question of what digital skills actually are and what is needed to create an enabling policy environment for these.

You can download the paper here.

For a quick synthesis on the context of digital skills in Africa, take a look at the video below, produced by INCLUDE and ThinkYoung

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