“Inclusive development is about the equal distribution of benefits whilst accounting for the inclusiveness on social, economic, spatial and territorial level.” – Marleen Dekker
The number of podcast releases have surged since 2020 and enabled everyone to listen in on conversations recorded among people, amateurs and experts, famous and unknown, from all around the world. In light of the Africa Knows! conference, the students from The African Studies Centre Leiden multi-disciplinary African Dynamics minor picked up on this trend in their efforts to experience aspects of African realities as part of their studies. The result: a diverse number of podcasts recorded with selected participants of the conference. One of which: INCLUDE platform coordinator Marleen Dekker.
In the 15 minute conversation, Marleen and Lyana Usa (TU Delft Electrical Engineering student, LDE African Dynamics minor) identify the current barriers and tensions between research and policy. Furthermore, they discuss the relevance of evidence-based policymaking on inclusive development in Africa in particular, and elaborate on the brokering activities of INCLUDE in the promotion of evidence-based policymaking.
Listen to the podcast ‘INCLUDE & Evidence-based policymaking for inclusive development’ below: