Concerned with the implications of COVID-19 for inequalities in Africa, the INCLUDE Platform put out a call for country studies on Africa’s experience of the first wave of COVID-19 (March to December 2021).
The call was for studies focused on a critical examination of containment and mitigation responses to the pandemic and their impacts in African countries, with special reference to marginalised, vulnerable and disadvantaged social groups.
We are happy to present the final synthesis report, with an overview of the findings from the 12 countries selected for the study: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tunisia.
The report has been developed by Dzodzi Tsikata, Professor of Development Sociology and Director of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana and Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey (Ph.D.), Research Fellow at the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) at the University of Ghana.
You can download it from the link on the right.