Green jobs and the future of work

Since 2022, INCLUDE and Palladium combine their forces in a long-term partnership to strengthen the evidence base around youth employment and the future of work in Africa.

The collaboration is strategically placed with the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE), which brings together an alliance of committed parties cooperating to combine unique knowledge and expertise with the aim of supporting robust and innovative ideas for creating or improving decent work prospects for youth, especially for young women.

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Digitalisation and globalisation have sparked radical shifts in how we live and work. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated these trends even further spurring the fourth industrial revolution (4iR), and increasing the need for rethinking the world of work. Green jobs and digitally-enabled jobs emerge as a potential solution to the multiplex challenges of climate change, poverty and inequality, while also enabling African countries to create decent jobs for its youth. But what is needed to facilitate this transition to green and digitally-enabled jobs for young people in Africa? INCLUDE and Palladium will engage in a collaborative research project on the topic of green jobs for youth employment in Africa.

About the research programme

The main objectives of the partnership are the following:

  • Contribute to strengthening the evidence base around decent work and youth employment in Africa, particularly about green jobs and the future of work.
  • Providing key insights, practical guidance, and tools to policy makers and practitioners for effective programming and policy-making
  • Leverage networks and building a community of practice around youth employment in Africa
Key themes
  • Green jobs
  • Digital skills
Cross-cutting themes
  • Inclusion (access, usage, affordability, safety, participation)
  • Youth engagement
  • Gender equality

About the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment

The goal of the Challenge Fund for Youth Employment is to support robust and innovative ideas for creating or improving decent work prospects for youth, especially young women. In the context of this program, youth is defined as between the ages of 15 – 35. The CFYE works with selected Implementing Partners across the Middle East, North Africa, Sahel/West Africa and the Horn of Africa to enable 200,000 young people access to new or better employment, including wage or salary jobs, or self-employment. The CFYE encourages market-based solutions with innovative and scalable approaches.

CFYE Statistics
  • 37 projects
  • 6 countries
  • 86485 planned jobs for youth