Feeder road development

Feeder Road Development for Inclusive Productive Employment

Led by Dr Maggi Leung, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

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About the research group

Improving feeder roads (i.e. small roads that connect rural areas with main roads and urban centres) can contribute to inclusive economic growth by generating new low-skilled jobs and providing access to further employment opportunities. However, road construction has large multi-dimensional impacts that are usually overlooked. The project ‘Feeder Road Development for Inclusive Productive Employment’ aims at investigating the specif-ic ways in which road construction promotes productive employment by looking at who is employed and under what conditions along three main directions: direct employment in infrastructure development; employment generation/change due to improved access; and employment change due to different natural resource management.

  • The National Regional State of Tigray Bureau of Construction, Road and Transport, Ethiopia
  • Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, United Kingdom
  • Mekelle University, Ethiopia
  • MetaMeta, the Netherlands
  • The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI), Ethiopia
  • Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Main question

What are the impacts of feeder road development on inclusive growth and productive employment?

Country focus
  • Ethiopia