Despite remarkable GDP growth levels in Africa in recent decades, this growth has not been accompanied by increased employment on the continent. According to the World Bank, every year, 12 million young people enter the job market, while only 3 million formal jobs are created. With 70% of the population below the age of 30, Africa is the youngest continent on earth. It is estimated that by 2040 Africa will have the largest youth workforce, surpassing China and India. Addressing issues of youth employment will be key in shaping the future of the continent.

It is against this backdrop that INCLUDE, with the support of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), launched the webinar series Youth@Work where researchers, practitioners, policymakers and youth came together to exchange knowledge and good practices on youth employment in Africa. Five key insights emerged from the webinar series on the role of the private sector and the future of work, and are presented in this report.

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