The challenge of creating sustainable employment opportunities and decent jobs for the teeming youth of Ghana has remained a structural problem for successive governments since the country attained independence in 1957. During presidential and parliamentary election seasons in Ghana, youth unemployment challenges emerge paramount in all political discourses and affect outcomes of elections, yet, sustainable solutions to the problem have been elusive.
It is against this backdrop that on September 9, 2020, the African Policy Dialogue Stakeholder engagement meeting was organized as part of the ‘Youth employment interventions in Ghana‘ dialogue. The meeting was held through a collaboration between the Department of Economics at the University of Ghana, the Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC), and the Ghana Netherlands Business & Culture Council (GNBCC) at Lavilla Boutique Hotel in Accra. The forum brought together over 90 key stakeholders from academia, political parties, industry, policy makers among others, to discuss findings of an evidence-based research conducted to ascertain the outlook of youth unemployment in the country and also to proffer sustainable solutions.
This report summarizes the stakeholder engagement meeting, including the presentations held and roundtable discussions on knowledge sharing and governance, private sector support and the role and recommendations for political parties in Ghana. Download the report in the right menu sidebar.