In the frame of the ‘Boosting decent employment for Africa’s youth’ partnership between INCLUDE, IDRC and ILO, under the umbrella of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, a series of evidence synthesis papers will be released in the coming years. Led by INCLUDE, these papers will take stock of existing evidence on themes relevant to the youth employment debate. This first paper in the series was prepared by Evert-Jan Quak and Justin Flynn from IDS. ‘Private sector development interventions and better-quality job creation for youth in Africa: linking business performance with productivity growth and sustainable job creation’ consolidates the available evidence linking PSD interventions with job creation for youth in Africa for three outcomes: job creation for youth, better-quality jobs creation for youth, and sustainable job creation for youth.
Read more about the highlights of this evidence synthesis paper in this news item and watch the webinar where the authors present its key findings.