The rapid changes introduced by digitalization are transforming the world of work, notably in terms of the types of skills required for the labour market, where most industries are increasingly requiring digital skills and digital literacy in workplaces around the world.
in Sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 230 million jobs will require digital skills within the next decade, with the pandemic playing an important role in accelerating the transition into digital jobs.
However, context matters greatly in defining what skills are most important for youths to find employment in the digital economy of different countries or regions of the African continent. It’s important to analyze evidence on the challenges and opportunities that digital skills offer for youth employment, with specific reference to gender and countries-specificities.
To better understand the complexities of digital literacy on the African continent, INCLUDE is commissioning an Evidence Synthesis Paper (ESP) on Digital Skills for Youth Employment in Africa. This research paper is intended to provide insights into policy and practice around youth employment in Africa. This ESP will be part of the ‘Boosting decent employment for Africa’s youth’ research initiative, in partnership with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), under the aegis of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth.
To submit your proposal, please refer to the attached document.
The deadline for applications will be 17 January, 2021.
For specific questions about this call for proposals please contact:
Siri Lijfering
Knowledge Manager INCLUDE & The Broker