Paschal Mihyo

Paschal B. Mihyo is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at REPOA in Tanzania. He was Executive Director of the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) from 2008 to 2014. A Tanzanian lawyer by profession, Paschal is a Professor of Politics and Administrative Studies with LL.B., LL.M and a Ph.D. in public law from the University of Dar Es Salaam. Between 1988 and 2004 Paschal taught at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague where he was also Dean of Studies 1992-1995. From April 2004 to September 2005 he was Director of Research and Programs at the Association of African Universities in Accra, Ghana, after which he joined the University of Namibia as Visiting Professor of Development Studies between 2006 and 2008 and 2015 to 2017. He has published and co-edited thirteen books and 40 journal articles on law, human rights, higher education and politics in Africa.

  • Public law, politics, administration

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