The second knowledge sharing workshop for the research programme ‘New roles of CSOs for inclusive development; Assumptions underlying Dialogue & Dissent’ will be held on Thursday 17 May. The literature review is the primary focus of the workshop and will be shared among a large group of stakeholders to obtain input from policymakers and CSO practitioners. Each research group will present the findings of their literature review, which will inform the empirical components of the research. The INCLUDE Secretariat will also present a draft synthesis on the new roles of CSOs, based on the literature reviews. Participants are encouraged to enhance the research by sharing their knowledge and engaging in dialogue on the new roles of CSOs for inclusive development.
- Share the outcomes of the literature reviews conducted by the research groups
- Discuss and collate input on the draft synthesis prepared by INCLUDE on the new roles of CSOs for inclusive development
- Obtain input from policymakers and CSO practitioners on the upcoming empirical part of the research
Please note that the knowledge sharing workshop is by invitation only. Interested? Send an email to
Date: 17 May
Time: 09.30 –17.00
Event topic: Civil society
Organizer: INCLUDE
Venue: City Resort Leiden