The INCLUDE and NWO-WOTRO research group on Feeder Road Development for Inclusive Productive Employment will organise its final workshop on 1 and 2 March. Key findings (research results and policy briefs) will be presented as input for a discussion with a group of international participants from various road, transport and natural resource management departments and organisations.
The workshop will comprise a seminar on ‘Optimising Road Developments for Inclusiveness and Well-being’ on day 1. This seminar focuses on how to make sure that the opportunities the roads create are maximized and used for the well-being of the population that lives near the road; particularly the most vulnerable groups such as women, elderly and youth.
Workshop participants are welcome to join the research consortium members on day 2, when next steps in research, policy and practice will be discussed in a smaller setting.
For general inquiries, please contact Crelis Rammelt ( For participants invited through MetaMeta, please contact Marta Agujetas Perez (
Venue: Axum Hotel, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia