Are you a young person navigating the green economy?
We are gathering real stories and experiences from young people like YOU to highlight the role of labour-based incentives in creating decent work opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

What is a Labour-Based Incentive?

A labour-based incentive is a policy or initiative that ensures youth have access to training, jobs, and entrepreneurship opportunities as economies transition to sustainable energy and climate-friendly industries.

Who Should Share?

✅ Young professionals working in green jobs
✅ Climate entrepreneurs and youth-led start-ups
✅ Students & trainees in renewable energy fields
✅ Youth advocating for inclusive labor policies

Why Share?

Your voice could shape key discussions on youth employment and sustainable development.

  • Tell your story. Inspire action.
  • Be part of the conversation for a just and fair transition.


Interested? Email us at or DM us before 30th of March, 2025!

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