We are an African-Dutch platform of researchers, practitioners and policymakers generating, gathering and disseminating knowledge on inclusive development in Africa. We work with research, policy dialogues and knowledge exchange to make evidence-based knowledge produce better and more inclusive policies.

Our knowledge platform was initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2012 to contribute to knowledge and effective policies in developing countries, the Netherlands, and other donor countries.

Photo by Muhammad Taha Ibrahim


We generate, gather and disseminate evidence-based knowledge on inclusive development in Africa to help policymakers in Africa and the Netherlands create better and more inclusive development policies.


We want to improve socio-economic conditions in Africa, while reducing poverty.

What is inclusive development?

While most African countries have registered high economic growth in the last decades, a large number of people are excluded from this progress.

Inclusive development is about ensuring that more people benefit from economic growth and development. It aims to reduce poverty and inequality, in both income and non-income dimensions. Rising inequality within countries and the increasing evidence of its detrimental effect on social and political stability, as well as economic growth, make inclusive development key to realizing Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063.

Inclusive policies can only be realized if vulnerable groups are able to participate in the policies, decision making and implementation processes, together with support from coalitions of strategic actors – across states and society.


INCLUDE is a platform of African and Dutch professionals comprising platform members, a steering group, and a secretariat.

Our platform members bring with them their personal expertise from the field of sustainable and inclusive international development. The Steering Group governs the activities of the platform and decides on its research agenda based on contributions by the platform members. The Secretariat drives and coordinates the platform and is run as a consortium of the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) in Leiden, The Broker in Amsterdam, and African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) in Nairobi. Our knowledge managers make evidence accessible and available for use to policymakers and practitioners for policymaking and implementation.

To meet the people behind INCLUDE Platform, visit the People page.

Our Work

For an overview of our programmes, the policy domains and themes covered by INCLUDE in its research, policy debates and knowledge distribution, please visit Our Work.

Get in touch

The Secretariat of INCLUDE is hosted by the African Studies Centre Leiden.

Herta Mohr building
Witte Singel 27A
2311 BG Leiden
+31(0)71 527 6602

For general inquiries, please contact