The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the INCLUDE Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies invite you to the seminarabout the ‘chaos of urgencies’ and the role of community based organizations (CBOs) within the official development aid system. The seminar will take place on Monday 3 December at 15:30 at the Ministry of Foreign AffairsThis seminar is part of the research programme ‘New roles of CSOs for inclusive development’.


During this seminar, Dr Naomi van Stapele (Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Development Studies at Radboud University) will  share insights from the research on ‘CBOs within the official development aid system in Kenya’, one of the research projects from the Assumptions Programme. She will focus on the ‘chaos of urgencies’ that CBOs are experiencing, caused by economic and social emergencies, as well as donor demands. After her presentation, two discussants consisting of Rob Sijstermans (MFA) and Sally Hendriks (Aids fonds) will reflect on the presentation, after which the floor will be opened for questions from the audience.

Save the date

Join us for the seminar on Monday 3 December from 15:30–17:00 pm at the Black Staircase on the 4th  floor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Rijnstraat 8). Please confirm your participation by sending an email to the DSO/MO secretariat at There are limited seats available, with a maximum of 30 places.

About ‘New roles of CSOs for inclusive development’

The MFA, NWO-WOTRO Science for Global development, and INCLUDE have joined forces for the research programme ‘New roles of CSOs for inclusive development’, also called the Assumptions Programme. The Programme investigates the assumptions, solutions and problems underlying the civil society policy framework ‘Dialogue & Dissent. The MFA will use the knowledge generated by the programme in the ongoing learning agenda with its partners in the current Dialogue & Dissent framework (2016–2020) and as input into the design of the next civil society policy framework, which will come into force in 2021.

Six research groups in the programme, which have been granted funding by NWO-WOTRO, are investigating the position of CSOs around three core themes: CSOs and civic engagement; CSOs and the aid chain; and CSOs in an enabling environment.

Read the latest knowledge products from the Assumptions Programme:

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